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Last POTA Activation, Fairfield State Park
POTA Activation 1 Hour Challenge #fail
Did This Antenna Ruin POTA for Me ??
NC4XL Dom POTA Activation 2Fer ME Time On BAD DAY PROPAGATION Report. Well Let's Make Lemonade
Ham Radio Shenanigans - POTA Activation - K-1213 - Cherry Creek State Park, Colorado
POTA Park Qualification: The Struggle to Reach 10 Contacts
It's NOT an Island POTA Activation
How did my POTA Activation went... | Park Activation K-3669 | Yellow Bluff Fort Historic State Park
The Gear & Equipment I Use For My POTA Activations - April 2022
POTA video 2. Park On The Air. For CTSARA.
Ham & POTA February 2023
Working the CQ 160 SSB contest with 100 watts and a wire. This was the first night.